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Customize Your Own Bed!
#2- Colors
Pick from the available colors below!
#1- Design
The options are endless for designing your own bed! Here are a few ideas...
Create a bed with only one color
Create a bed with more than one color-
- One color for base, another color for the sides
If you choose to alternate colors, you have the following options-
Alternating colors throughout the entire bed
Alternating colors for base; solid color for the sides
Solid colors for base; alternating colors for sides
Change the thickness/ thinness of each alternating color-
Thicker/ thinner bands of color-
- All colors equal in thickness
- One color thicker than the other
- You can choose how thick you want each color-
- Example- Each color is six rounds thick (less frequent color changes) or each color is three rounds thick (change colors more frequently)
#3- Order your bed
Email me at or message me on the Knotty Cats Crochet Facebook page with your order! Be sure to include the design and colors you would like.
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