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About Me

Hi there! My name is Audrey Van Der Elst and I currently live in Louisville, Kentucky. My inspiration for starting Knotty Cats Crochet stems from my own cats, Maxwell, Lakyn and June. With all the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and having to stay quarantined, I decided it was the best time to start learning something new. I watched a few tutorial videos back in March and absolutely fell in love with crocheting! I learned how to crochet pet beds after watching a video on Youtube and as I slowly started to get better at it, I learned how to create my own style.


I started out by making beds for my own cats as well as my mom's and was amazed by how crazy our cats went over them! They wanted to lay on the beds before I even finished them (not an easy task trying to crochet while your cat is trying to sleep on you and play with the yarn at the same time)! A few months later, I decided to spread the passion I have for making a safe, warm bed for pets with everyone else! Here we are now. I absolutely cannot wait to share these beds with all of you. Thank you for supporting my passion!

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